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It was half past six and the hands were quietly moving forwards.

Managing Substance Withdrawal Symptoms Effectively

Embarking on the journey to recovery from addiction involves navigating the challenging phase of substance withdrawal. Gain...

The Role of PTSD in Substance Abuse: Breaking the Cycle

Source Original Author: Troy Borges

Deciding to Enter Inpatient Alcohol or Drug Rehab

Deciding to Enter Inpatient Alcohol or Drug Rehab Choosing to enter an inpatient alcohol or drug rehab is a significant decision. It’s a step that requires change, dedication, and facing personal...

Understanding First Responder PTSD: Prevalence, Challenges, and Resilience Programs

Behind the courage of first responders—those who rush to the scenes of emergencies—lies a hidden struggle: post-traumatic...

Tranq Drug: Understanding Its Impact and Risks

Tranq Drug: Understanding Its Impact and Risks The Blackberry Center of Central Florida Digital Team 👍 In this...

Eating Disorders in the Military and How Veterans Can Recover

Eating disorders in the military may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you...

How a Person With Bipolar Thinks

From Springbrook Hospital - How a Person with Bipolar Thinks: An Overview Bipolar disorder shapes the landscape of...

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