How to Overcome Pain Pill Addiction as a Veteran

2 years ago

When veterans return home after deployment, they often bear physical and emotional scars from their time in the military. And…

Opioid Drug Rehab for Veterans

2 years ago

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, opioid abuse remains high among veteran populations that take prescription painkillers. And…

How to Stop Drinking Alcohol: 5 Tips for Success

2 years ago

Over half of the adults in the United States have consumed an alcoholic beverage in the past month. For some,…

Veterans Affairs Drug Rehab: Are You Covered?

2 years ago

Veterans seeking help for substance use disorders frequently have questions about when, how, and where to get treatment. The truth…

Chronic Drug Abuse: Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment

2 years ago

Each year, millions of Americans struggle with chronic drug abuse. Not only is this harmful to an individual’s physical and…

Best Types of Addiction Treatment Programs in Florida

2 years ago

Finding effective addiction treatment is the first phase toward long-lasting recovery. But sorting through all the different types of addiction…

Why Choose A Veteran Substance Abuse Program?

2 years ago

Addiction treatment should always be tailored to a person’s unique experiences, needs, and overall goals. And this is especially true…

Gabapentin and Alcohol: A Dangerous Combination

2 years ago

Gabapentin, also available under the brand name Neurontin, is a commonly prescribed anticonvulsant medication. But despite its medical uses, this…

How Veterans in Recovery Stay Sober Through Peer Support

2 years ago

Did you know that veterans in recovery have unique needs that civilians don’t? This is partially due to the unique…

How to Use VA Insurance to Pay for Rehab in Florida

2 years ago

For anyone, dealing with insurance can be a challenge. But the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) insurance can be particularly…