Holiday Depression: Why Get Treatment This Year?

2 years ago

The changing of the seasons can bring many challenges to people who are already struggling with their mental health. In…

Can Holidays Cure Depression? The Impact on Mental Health

2 years ago

From Springbrook Hospital - For many people, the holiday season evokes feelings of warmth, joy, and laughter. They may get…

Heroin Overdose: Early Signs and Treatment Options

2 years ago

Heroin is a semi-synthetic opioid that, when used, causes a rush of euphoric pleasure. Some people use it for the…

How to Treat PTSD in Adults

2 years ago

From Springbrook Hospital - Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder that is often chronic and disabling. It can…

Alcohol and Anxiety: The Vicious Cycle

2 years ago

From Springbrook Hospital - Many adults in the United States drink alcohol to cope with their mental health problems. If…

Signs of Cocaine Addiction: What to Look for

2 years ago

Cocaine addiction can consume a person’s life, making it difficult to convince them to seek help. If you believe someone…