Alcohol and Anxiety: The Vicious Cycle

2 years ago

From Springbrook Hospital - Many adults in the United States drink alcohol to cope with their mental health problems. If…

Family Roles in Addiction: 6 Types of People

2 years ago

From Springbrook Hospital - When someone lives with an addiction, their entire household feels its effects. Each family member often…

Signs of Cocaine Addiction: What to Look for

2 years ago

Cocaine addiction can consume a person’s life, making it difficult to convince them to seek help. If you believe someone…

Don’t Let ADHD and Addiction Control Your Life

2 years ago

Researchers have identified a connection between ADHD and addiction, wherein having ADHD predisposes one to develop a substance use disorder,…

Alcohol Cessation: What You Can Expect from Detoxing

2 years ago

Alcohol cessation isn’t as easy as you might think, especially if you’ve been drinking excessively or using alcohol to cope. When you…

Why Avoidance Coping Is Common Among Veterans

2 years ago

Avoidance coping is a common survival technique for veterans who have endured psychological stress. You may shut off in response…

Thoughts of Suicide: 5 Steps to Stop Them

2 years ago

Thoughts of suicide can strike suddenly or build up over time. Those who have them often feel alienated, left without…

How to Treat PTSD: Overcoming Trauma as a Veteran

2 years ago

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental disorder that affects individuals who have lived through traumatic experiences. As it can…