Homedrug addiction

drug addiction

Finding a Veteran Rehab Near Me

If you are one of the thousands of veterans around DeLand, Florida who has been impacted by...

Freebasing Cocaine: 5 Facts You Need to Know

Did you know that if you freebase cocaine, you are not only at a higher risk for...

K2, Kronic, or Golden Kush: What Is the “Spice” Drug?

The “spice” drug refers to a variety of different chemicals that mimic the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),...

How PTSD Service Dogs Help Veterans

Studies prove that having a trained animal companion helps those who struggle with anxiety, depression, and other...

20 Veteran Quotes to Uplift Veterans

For civilians, it can be easy to forget the sacrifices that veterans make. And for veterans, it...

DoD Report Shows Veterans Need Mental Health Care

A new report from the United States Department of Defense (DoD) indicates that thousands of military personnel...

How Coronavirus Affects Veterans Like Nobody Else

The world around us has slowed down since early March, and the coronavirus pandemic is still affecting...

5 Tips for Military Transitions to Civilian Life

When it’s time to leave the military service world, many veterans like you or your loved one...

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