How to Stop Using Drugs if You’re a Veteran

The question of how to stop using drugs is always complicated, but it’s especially challenging if you’re a veteran. Factors like combat exposure, post-traumatic stress, and military sexual trauma can...

Understanding First Responder PTSD: Prevalence, Challenges, and Resilience Programs

Behind the courage of first responders—those who rush to the scenes of emergencies—lies a hidden struggle: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In this...

Best Inpatient Mental Health Facilities in Florida

From Springbrook Hospital - Everyone experiences feelings like sadness and anxiety at times. However, if such emotions last...

What Is Yoga Therapy and Does It Help with Addiction?

Health and wellness trends have infiltrated entered the public consciousness, and with that has come yoga. One...

Meth Psychosis: Does Meth Make You Crazy?

In the wake of the opioid epidemic, methamphetamine (meth) is experiencing an astounding comeback. Meth is a powerful,...

A Guide for Family Members of Addicts: How to Seek Support

Addiction can have a major impact on family members. In this guide for family members of addicts,...

Behavioral Health

News for mental health issues.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab: Which Is Best for Your Recovery?

Are you ready to begin rehab but don’t know where to start? The next step in your recovery journey is considering your options...

Finding Residential Treatment Centers for Schizophrenia Near You

From Springbrook Hospital - Schizophrenia affects approximately one percent of adults in the United States and can significantly impact an individual’s ability to function...

What Happens When You Stop Drinking? A Sobriety Timeline

As any addiction expert will tell you, there are profound physical, emotional, and psychological effects of alcohol. With long-term use, the effects of...

Christian Recovery

The benefits of a faith-based, Christian substance abuse treatment program are many.

Alcoholic Eyes: Drinking Alcohol & Your Eyesight

Alcohol consumption impacts every function in the body, including vision. The lasting effects of alcohol on optical nerves, blood vessels, and brain-to-eye messaging...

Finding the Best Mental Health Centers in Ohio

Despite all of the challenges that 2020 brought to everyone who struggles with mental health issues and addiction, mental health centers in Ohio...

Can the Liver Heal Itself? | Veteran Alcohol Abuse FAQ

Alcohol abuse continues to be a serious problem among America’s veterans. Reasons for higher substance abuse rates among military personnel often involve stressors,...

Co-Occurring Disorders

And Dual Diagnosis news to help with your recovery and behavioral health

Can I Use FMLA for Rehab? Veteran Rehab Facts

After returning from military life, transitioning to civilian living can be hard. And it can be especially hard when you find yourself in...

Finding Safe Addiction Treatment During COVID-19

The novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, is still a danger in the United States. In fact, in the state of Ohio, the...

Stimulant Drugs: Types, Uses, Effects, and Risks

Prescribed stimulant drugs can be helpful for some people with specific physical and mental conditions. However, if you misuse prescription stimulants or take...

Partial Hospitalization

Partial hospitalization, also known as PHP (partial hospitalization program), is a type of program used to treat mental illness and substance abuse.

Borderline Personality Disorder vs. Bipolar Disorder: How Are They Different?

From Springbrook Hospital - If you’re unsure whether you have borderline personality disorder vs. bipolar disorder, understanding the differences between the two mental illnesses is a great...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Awareness Week in October

From Springbrook Hospital - Millions of adults in the United States display symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). But many of them don’t get the necessary...

Chemical Dependency: What It Means to Be Addicted

From Springbrook Hospital - Addiction is about more than making the conscious choice to use drugs or alcohol. It leaves a lasting impact on...

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Holiday Depression: Why Get Treatment This Year?

The changing of the seasons can bring many challenges to people who are already struggling with their...

Opioid Use Disorder: Risks and Treatment for Veterans

The opioid crisis in the United States affects individuals from every demographic. However, veterans are twice as likely to die...

Are You a Functioning Addict? Signs of Addiction

Often when thinking of addiction, you might picture all of the ways that this condition can debilitate people: losing one’s job, being unable to form healthy relationships, struggling with mental...

Sober Santa’s 10 Tips for a Sober Holiday

Staying sober for the holidays can be especially challenging, especially for people in early recovery. From office...

Freebasing Cocaine: 5 Facts You Need to Know

Did you know that if you freebase cocaine, you are not only at a higher risk for...

Real Addiction Recovery Stories Prove Sober Living Is Possible

If you are currently on your sobriety journey or thinking about joining a recovery program to help...

Mental Illness List: Common Conditions and Treatments

A complete mental illness list is helpful to understand common mental health disorders that people struggle with...

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