Step 7: Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

Hey everyone, your favorite Recovery Advocate Vance Johnson here. This week we’re talking about seven of the 12 steps, “Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.” If you read my explanation...

Understanding First Responder PTSD: Prevalence, Challenges, and Resilience Programs

Behind the courage of first responders—those who rush to the scenes of emergencies—lies a hidden struggle: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In this...

Can I Use FMLA for Rehab? Veteran Rehab Facts

After returning from military life, transitioning to civilian living can be hard. And it can be especially...

How PTSD Service Dogs Help Veterans

Studies prove that having a trained animal companion helps those who struggle with anxiety, depression, and other...

Cocaine Hallucinations: Severe Side Effects of Stimulant Abuse

Over 5 million people in the United States use cocaine every year. But despite how widespread its...

Panic Disorder Treatment: Therapy, Medication, & More

If you or a family member frequently experience panic attacks that impair your functionality on a day-to-day...

Behavioral Health

News for mental health issues.

Delusions vs Hallucinations: The Real Difference

Though often thought of as similar things, delusions and hallucinations present in very different ways for veterans who are experiencing mental health concerns....

for Co-Occurring Disorders

From Springbrook Hospital - If you’re looking for a Florida rehab center to kickstart your addiction recovery, choosing the right facility can be a...

How a Drug or Alcohol Addiction Affects Your Immune System

Consistent, prolonged, and excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs can weaken your immune system, making you more likely to get sick, struggle to...

Christian Recovery

The benefits of a faith-based, Christian substance abuse treatment program are many.

Legal Highs: The Dangers of Research Chemicals

In today’s interconnected world, where it is possible to purchase practically anything with the click of a button, the internet is full of...

Oxycodone Addiction Treatment: What You Need to Know

It’s hard to believe now, but oxycodone was originally released under the premise that it was a safer alternative to other opiates. However,...

5 Tips for Military Transitions to Civilian Life

When it’s time to leave the military service world, many veterans like you or your loved one find it incredibly challenging to transition...

Co-Occurring Disorders

And Dual Diagnosis news to help with your recovery and behavioral health

How Long Does it Take to Detox From Alcohol? Factors and Timeline

One of the first questions you might have when you decide to quit drinking is “How long does it take to detox from...

Does Outpatient Detox Work? What Addiction Science Says

If you’ve recently decided to quit drugs or drinking, congratulations! You’ve made a crucial step on the path to recovery. And while many...

Veteran Heroin Detox Program in Central Florida

Heroin is a powerful illegal opioid that is commonly found on the black market. As seen with many opioids, casual heroin use can...

Partial Hospitalization

Partial hospitalization, also known as PHP (partial hospitalization program), is a type of program used to treat mental illness and substance abuse.

Finding Residential Treatment Centers for Schizophrenia Near You

From Springbrook Hospital - Schizophrenia affects approximately one percent of adults in the United States and can significantly impact an individual’s ability to function...

What Are Suicidal Ideations? How to Get Help

From Springbrook Hospital - You may be familiar with the topic of suicide, but what are suicidal ideations? Put simply, these are thoughts of...

Alcohol and Depression: What’s the Connection?

From Springbrook Hospital - In the United States, it’s socially acceptable to regularly drink alcohol. It’s even encouraged to drink as a form of...

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Alcoholic Nose: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

From Springbrook Hospital - A bulbous, red nose may go by many names, including “alcoholic nose.” This is...

Codeine Addiction: Are Veterans at Risk?

A codeine addiction usually starts innocently, with no intention of becoming addicted. Initially, doctors prescribe this medication...

How to Detox from Meth

Although many people try to become sober on their own, professional drug therapy is significantly more likely to result in long-term methamphetamine addiction recovery. A medically assisted program from a...

Crystal Meth Addiction: New Treatments on the Horizon

Crystal meth addiction is an incredibly challenging disorder to beat, and many people struggling with this substance...

The Truth of Addiction Rates Among Veterans

While there is rightly a lot of attention paid to veteran PTSD statistics, drug and alcohol addiction...

How to Beat Coronavirus Depression While Staying Healthy

With the coronavirus outbreak, many people have fallen into what experts call a coronavirus depression. This problem...

5 Traits of the Best Drug Rehab Centers for Veterans

While there are many Florida drug rehab centers, they do not all provide the same quality of...

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