Fentanyl Overdose Symptoms in Veterans: Staying Safe

Synthetic opioids, such as fentanyl, can provide essential pain relief for veterans struggling with chronic or severe pain. However, the common use of highly-addictive opioids for pain management has contributed...

Understanding First Responder PTSD: Prevalence, Challenges, and Resilience Programs

Behind the courage of first responders—those who rush to the scenes of emergencies—lies a hidden struggle: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In this...

Is It a Hangover? Fever, Nausea, and Pain After Alcohol

Alcohol is the most common intoxicant across the world, having a long history of usage in nearly...

Psychosis vs. Schizophrenia: What’s the Difference?

From Springbrook Hospital - When it comes to psychosis vs. schizophrenia, there are many misconceptions. For instance, schizophrenia...

Stages of Alcoholism for Veterans: How to Break Free

While alcohol addiction starts in a wide variety of ways, the progression of alcoholism actually follows somewhat...

Starting Recovery Before the Holidays: Spreading Wellness

It’s common for people to have complicated feelings around this time of year—holiday events are a joyful...

Behavioral Health

News for mental health issues.

The Best Non-Alcoholic Drinks for the 4th of July

If you’ve already put some time into your recovery, non-alcoholic drinks could be a fun way for you to join in on the...

The Cost of Addiction: The Financial Impact of Long-Term Drug Use

“Addiction treatment is too expensive.” If you added up the cost of maintaining a drug addiction, what does it cost you? What is...

Need Rehab for Mental Health? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

From Springbrook Hospital - Your mental health directly influences how you think, feel, and behave, so when things aren’t quite right, it can make...

Christian Recovery

The benefits of a faith-based, Christian substance abuse treatment program are many.

How to Prevent Relapse

Depending on what you do after you use meth, a relapse might be a little slip-up or a terrible setback. When you start...

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Drug Rehab: What’s Best For You?

If you are a veteran who struggles with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you might be looking for guidance on the different...

Stimulant Drugs: Types, Uses, Effects, and Risks

Prescribed stimulant drugs can be helpful for some people with specific physical and mental conditions. However, if you misuse prescription stimulants or take...

Co-Occurring Disorders

And Dual Diagnosis news to help with your recovery and behavioral health

What Is Yoga Therapy and Does It Help with Addiction?

Health and wellness trends have infiltrated entered the public consciousness, and with that has come yoga. One growing field of this activity is...

What Is the Most Addictive Drug?

Drug use is a serious problem in America. Each year, millions of people suffer from a substance use disorder, and tens of thousands...

Understanding the 5 Stages of Addiction for Veterans

Addiction is a challenging disorder that threatens the lives of veterans each and every day in the United States. To better know how...

Partial Hospitalization

Partial hospitalization, also known as PHP (partial hospitalization program), is a type of program used to treat mental illness and substance abuse.

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day in November

From Springbrook Hospital - Studies show that connecting with others improves feelings of belonging and personal growth. Recovering from the loss of a loved...

Can Anxiety Be Cured? How to Reduce Symptoms

From Springbrook Hospital - Many people experience anxiety before speaking to a crowd, taking a test, or going in for a job interview. However,...

Benefits of Getting Help at an Addiction Recovery Center

If you’ve recently decided to quit using drugs or alcohol, congratulations! This step marks the beginning of your path toward long-term recovery. While...

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Best Mental Health and Recovery News

Trauma Center

Healing Through Trauma-Informed Care: Navigating Eating Disorder Recovery Introduction: Eating disorders often have complex roots, including traumatic experiences....

Living Sober

Embracing a Sober Lifestyle: Navigating the Path to Fulfillment Introduction: Living a sober life can be incredibly rewarding...

Can You Get Fired for Going to Rehab as a Veteran?

Rehab is an invaluable resource for those living with substance use disorders. It teaches healthy coping mechanisms and vital life skills for maintaining sobriety. Despite this, only about 15 percent...

Oxycodone Addiction Treatment: What You Need to Know

It’s hard to believe now, but oxycodone was originally released under the premise that it was a...

Why Mental Health Is Vital During the Coronavirus Pandemic

As we all continue to navigate the coronavirus pandemic, many of us feel pressure to stay home...

Intensive Outpatient Programs: Your Guide

If the symptoms of your mental health or addiction issue don’t warrant the use of an inpatient...

Hypersomnia: When Too Much Sleep Is Never Enough

In today’s busy world, many people struggle with the effects of not getting enough sleep at night...

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