Signs of Alcohol Poisoning: What to Do in an Alcohol Emergency
Many people enjoy alcohol on special occasions and at friendly gatherings. However, if you or someone else is in physical distress from drinking too much, the happy times may seem far away. Alcohol overdose is a dangerous condition. Yet, how can you tell if it is happening to you or a friend? Here are the main signs of alcohol poisoning and how to seek immediate alcohol treatment.
Are you concerned about yourself or a friend and alcohol poisoning? Contact us today at The Woods at Parkside for compassionate help.
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When you or someone you care about suffers from an alcohol overdose, the consequences could be severe. Yet, if you recognize the symptoms, you can get help quickly. The following sections describe what to look for to identify the possibility of alcohol poisoning.
If you are overdosing on alcohol, you will notice the following symptoms.
Alcohol poisoning does not happen all at once. At first, you might notice mild impairments, like slurred speech, poor coordination, feeling relaxed or sleepy, or having trouble balancing, remembering, or paying attention. If the condition gets no worse, you have little to worry about.
However, remember: Your BAC can continue to rise for up to 40 minutes after you quit drinking. So, the signs of alcohol poisoning could show up for a while after you take your last drink.
Once your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) rises a little higher, you become more impaired. Some people become aggressive, and you might feel angry or ready to fight. You might not realize that driving is a bad idea at this point. However, your reflexes are too slowed down, and your ability to pay attention decreases.
If your BAC reaches 0.16 to 0.30%, all these effects become more severe. In addition to increasing difficulties in speech, coordination, and balance, you now have trouble making decisions or judging what you should do. You might feel very confused. You may have blackouts where you do not remember what happened. Vomiting could start, and you may even lose consciousness.
Then, if your BAC reaches 0.31 to 0.45%, your condition worsens. You lose consciousness, and your basic bodily functions begin to fail. Your breathing may become irregular, you may have trouble staying awake, your breathing becomes irregular, and your heart rate slows. Your body temperature drops, your skin becomes clammy, and you may have seizures. In short, alcohol poisoning feels miserable for as long as you are conscious. By then, it has already become life-threatening.
Aside from the signs of alcohol poisoning, what does an alcohol overdose do to your body? Here’s what you need to know about what happens once alcohol poisoning begins.
There is no one exact answer to how long the signs of alcohol poisoning will last. How long it takes to happen and how long it takes to leave your body varies, depending on several factors.
Because everyone is different, and everyone has a different set of circumstances, it makes sense to seek help sooner rather than later. Once you or your friend gets help, it could take a significant amount of time to get their body back to its usual functioning.
Here’s another thing to keep in mind about alcohol overdoses. While alcohol is one of the 5 most addictive drugs, you can fall prey to alcohol poisoning even the first day you drink if you do it to excess.
It is true that you can die from alcohol poisoning. The bodily systems that keep you alive begin to fail, putting you at an ever-increasing risk of death or severe brain damage. Without your gag reflex, you could choke on your vomit. If you pass out, you could lose consciousness permanently. Alcohol overdose is a scary condition, but with help, you can avoid the worst outcomes.
If you see signs of alcohol poisoning, you need to use your emergency number immediately. Call 911 and ask for help as soon as you see some of the signs. Do not wait to see every one of them. Remember, if you or your friend displays these symptoms, get help now.
While you are waiting for help to arrive, it is important to take the right actions and avoid doing things that will make matters worse. Here are some rules of thumb to make sure you stay on the right track to help yourself or someone else survive.
Do not leave someone with alcohol poisoning alone. If you are the one with signs of alcohol poisoning, ask someone to stay with you if possible. Stay sitting upright, preferably on the floor or ground, to prevent falls. To prevent choking, help your friend when they vomit by having them lean forward. If the person is unconscious, turn them on one side to prevent choking due to an absent gag reflex. Cover them with a blanket to prevent further hypothermia.
The emergency team will need information about you or your friend who is suffering from an alcohol overdose. If you are there with your friend, it might help to write down things like:
Do not try home remedies while someone is potentially suffering from an alcohol overdose. Do not give them anything to eat or drink unless it is small sips of water. Do not take them for a walk. Instead of telling them to take a shower or drink coffee, keep them as quiet and still as possible. Their life may be in danger, and they need to avoid doing anything that might cause them injury or increase their risk.
Once someone with alcohol poisoning reaches the hospital, the critical phase of treatment begins. During this phase, the doctors and nurses may do several things, including:
The goal in this phase is simply to keep you alive while they get your body back to a state of normal functioning.
The second phase of alcohol poisoning treatment happens after the crisis is past. At this point, the goal is to help you or your friend deal with a binge drinking disorder, other alcohol use disorder, or behavioral health problems that contributed to your alcohol overdose. These treatments could include medications, individual and group psychotherapy, and various other types of therapy.
For the first phase of alcohol poisoning treatment, you might be taken to any hospital near where you are. However, for the second phase, and in some cases the first as well, you may be able to choose where you seek help.
If you decide to come to The Woods at Parkside, the emergency room, your family member, or you yourself can make the referral. In any case, you admit yourself if you feel a longer-term program would help you.
At The Woods at Parkside, we assist people in and near Central and Southern Ohio. We welcome you to our treatment programs if you are ready to make a fresh start after drug and alcohol problems such as an alcohol overdose. With a full range of services and groups ranging from life skills training to music and recreational therapy, you will get the help you need to overcome alcohol-related problems.
Within our beautiful grounds and residential facility, we provide the most effective treatments for those experiencing the emotional and physical aftereffects of alcohol poisoning. The Woods at Parkside is always here for you, making it easy for you to get the help you need.
Are you ready to put the threat of alcohol overdose behind you? Call us at The Woods at Parkside to learn about our treatment options.
The post Signs of Alcohol Poisoning: What to Do in an Alcohol Emergency appeared first on The Woods At Parkside.
Original Author: Beacon User
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